Timetables that make sense
GoTimetable Sheffield
Since South Yorkshire PTE stopped printing timetable leaflets it has become harder to find out when your bus goes and where.
GoTimetable Sheffield makes that task much easier. Think of it as a timetable book on your mobile, laptop, tablet; in fact any reasonably modern computer-type device. It comes in two versions:-
For Android devices it can be obtained FREE from Google Play Store and downloaded as a complete package. Once installed you do not even need a signal! For other devices, the same information in the same style can be found on the web and FREE at
A selection of the facilities on offer is:-
- ALL BUS & TRAM JOURNEYS in Sheffield - no need to work out "and then every 6 minutes".
- COMPLETE JOURNEYS shown e.g.:- all times at Batemoor : all times at Acorn Drive Stannington. Neither is available anywhere else.
- STOP NAMES you can understand - no more "Broomhill Hallamshire Hospital" not at Broomhill!
- SEARCH for route numbers AND destinations from index lists or maps
- CHOOSE departure time and the screen scrolls automatically to that journey.
- UP TO DATE information : updated automatically
- ROUTE DIAGRAM for every service with all CITY CENTRE stops shown
- HELP TOUR (web only)
- LINKS to blog pages giving further explanation.